I'm Just Doing My Job

If you've ever doubted the impact that you can have as a financial professional, here's a story for you about Kevin K. He's been in the business for nearly three decades. Fifteen years ago, he began working with a couple who had just moved to town. While they had two kids already, they had recently added two more baby boys to the equation. Kevin lived within a mile of the family and frequently ran into them at social events. They were a loving family and he was glad to work with them. They trusted him and readily took his advice. While they were not the wealthiest clients, they didn't deserve to be poor. Kevin had the father of the family insured for the maximum amount of life insurance that his company would underwrite him for. Not only did this client understand the importance of being properly insured when raising a family, he was a vocal advocate for it. During the summer of 2013, Kevin's client was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. As his condition deteriorated, the doctor told him that, short of a miracle, there was no going back. When Kevin visited him in the hospital, his client's greatest concern was, "Will my family be taken care of when I'm gone?" Kevin told him, "When that time comes, your four boys will be able to afford college. Your wife, if she chooses, will never have to work again." When he passed away this March, Kevin hired a chef to take care of the family’s meals for a long weekend. He wanted to allow the family to have time together without worrying about feeding all the relatives who were coming to visit. It was a tough situtation and he hoped this would make things a little easier. More importantly, however, he delivered the family a life insurance check worth $1.8 million. Combined with Social Security benefits, they are able to generate $100,000 in annual income and can maintain their lifestyle. The day Kevin attended the wake to pay his final respects, two individuals immediately stood up from the front row and came over to him. He shook their hand and started to introduce himself but was cutoff. They were family members of his client and the word had spread. Everyone already knew Kevin. They were so grateful for everything. Incredibly humbled, he replied that he was just doing his job. What an amazing thing to be able to say. He fulfilled his responsibility as an advisor. In the process, he changed lives, influenced generations to come and created something far bigger than himself - that is nothing short of heroic. EndFragment