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Joelma's Story Is Why You Must Prospect With Everyone

Joelma Dias wasn’t convinced she was having a stroke.

During a fun night of hanging out with her friends at church, the right side of her body suddenly began to feel weak.

Joelma felt fine otherwise, and insisted that she was going to head home and get some rest. Luckily, a friend of hers convinced her to go to the hospital instead, where she learned she had suffered a life-threatening stroke.

Joelma is living proof that things like strokes and major illnesses happen to young people too.

Luckly for Joelma, her advisor, Rickson, had helped her put a plan in place just two days before.

Life insurance is an important financial tool for younger married couples and families to protect against the devastating financial consequences that can arise from an untimely death.

However, as you are well aware, death isn't the only risk people are faced with at this stage of their lives - illnesses and disabilities can be devastating too.

With this in mind, life insurance with living benefits is a simple way to protect clients against both of these risks.

For Joelma, the check for $54,212 was a life saver. It helped her pay for the time in the hospital and her bills until she was ready to work again.

But also consider how her advisor, Rickson, felt.

Think about how relieved he must of felt knowing he had done the right thing. Conversely, imagine how he would have felt if he hadn't taken action.

It's these types of stories that really drive home the impact of what we do - how lives can be easily changed through our action or non-action.

You'll never know who in your circle of influence will be the next "Joelma," until something happens.

This is precisely the reason why we must make a commitment to prospect every day and overcome our own excuses when we think an individual isn't an ideal prospect.


Special Offer: Free shipping on the Life of Significance Super Saver Set! Now through November 15th! Click here to order.

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